March Impact Report

Last month we rescued 429,177 pounds of awesome, perfectly healthy, surplus food and delivered it to 98 Partner Agencies that help feed our neighbors across metro Atlanta. Through our Full Plates program, we were also able to provide 42,930 complete meals. In addition, our incredible Food Rescue Network completed over 948 food rescue routes.

This year alone we’ve rescued over 1.2 million pounds, diverting it from landfills and driving it to feed those who need it the most.

Thanks to an increase in donations from HelloFresh, we’ve added another 5,000 – 15,000 pounds of fresh produce to our weekly warehouse distributions. We would also like to thank Move For Hunger, Atlantic Relocation Systems, and Nelson Westerberg for assisting us with transporting these extra pounds.

March was a great month for Food For Thought!

We spoke at ATL Ideas: Food Security (hosted by Plywood People and Monday Night garage) alongside like-minded community colleagues from Wholesome Wave Georgia, Food Well Alliance, and The Grocery Spot. We also met with the Infrastructure and Reliability team from Delta Air Lines where we discussed food security and packed 1,500 snack packs, which were delivered to the teachers and students served by The CORner Store at Carver S.T.E.A.M. Academy.

Our friends at Kilpatrick Townsend welcomed us to speak and pack meals as well as snack packs, which were delivered to students at the Barack & Michelle Obama Academy. And the Braves Foundation along with Samford University students joined us in the warehouse to pack over 400 produce variety-boxes that our friends from C.H.O.I.C.E.S. For Kids distributed to families in need.

Thank you so much for supporting our goal to reduce food waste and alleviate food insecurity in Atlanta. We could not make this kind of impact without your hours of volunteering and generosity.

#DrivingOutHungerOneMileAtATime #foodrescueheroes #Atlantafoodrescue #hunger #foodsecurity