End of temporary SNAP benefits in GA
Food insecurity can be pervasive in the best of times. But, rising food costs combined with the elimination of additional SNAP benefits are making food access more challenging than ever before.
Did you know that Atlantans are seeing a higher rate of food inflation than the rest of the nation, at 14.6% over the national average of 10.4% year over year in December? And with the COVID-related emergency allotments (EAs) that were added to the SNAP benefits program going away, the average household will receive $90 less each month to spend on food and other necessities. Without the EAs, SNAP benefits average only about $6.56 per person per day in Georgia.
Can you imagine having only $6.56 to spend on your daily nutrition?
These factors could mean that a family has to choose between paying a bill or putting a meal on the table. We find this unacceptable.
We remain committed to helping those who will be most affected by these changes. And we can’t do it without your support. We are continually looking for ways to increase our footprint and grow our Food Rescue Network to make a meaningful impact on those who need it the most.
Your support is key to the success of our daily operations.
A donation of $20 equips SHA to rescue and deliver over 100 pounds of food. Your dollars make the world of difference, VISIT OUR DONATION PAGE TODAY.
To fight rampant food insecurity in our community, we need consistent support to carry out programs like the Food Rescue Network and Full Plate Project. Become a monthly donor to SHA and commit to Driving Out Hunger, One Mile At A Time. Start your recurring giving plan today here.
You are vital to our mission. Thank you for all you do for Second Helpings Atlanta and our community.