Take Stock of Your Food Waste: Homemade Vegetable Broth

Making homemade vegetable broth is a delicious way to put your vegetable scraps to good use!

Save up your leftover vegetable bits in the freezer and once you’ve filled up a bag or two you’re ready to cook up some broth. You can use whatever you have on hand — onion ends, carrot peels and tops, wilting greens, etc.

Start your broth by sautéing garlic and sturdier vegetables in your oil of choice. Once they’ve soften add the rest and a few cups of water. At this point you can add in whatever herbs you have on hand and season with salt and pepper. Bring this to a boil and then let it simmer for at least an hour (the longer the better). Once you’ve let it cool, strain the broth and use it right away in one of your favorite recipes or store in the refrigerator (up to 5 days) or in the freezer (up to 1 month).

Bonus Recipe: Parmesan Broth

Don’t toss your rind! After using up your block of parmesan, save the rind in the freezer. Once you’ve saved up about a cup of rinds, throw them in a pot and cover with about 8 cups of water. Bring this to a boil and then reduce to a simmer for two hours, stirring occasionally. The longer you keep the rinds on, the stronger the broth will be.